BSA Online Link
Assessing Dept. Assistant: 517-522-8464 Ext. 133,
Specific duties and responsibilities of the Assessing Office can be found in the:
General Property Tax Act MCL 211.1 through 211.33 or State Tax Commission Guide to Basic Assessing.
The Grass Lake Charter Assessing Department is dedicated to the establishment & maintenance of fair, accurate and equitable property assessments for township residents and businesses. The Assessing Department has the responsibility of annually preparing the Assessment Roll and Tax Roll of the Township for all classes of property subject to taxation. By determining the true cash value and taxable status of all properties in the Township, this responsibility is carried out. The state constitution and statutes require the assessed values placed on the assessment roll shall be placed at fifty percent (50%) of true cash or market value. Assessment and Tax Rolls are based on the status of the property as of December 31st (Tax Day) of the previous year.
Proposal A passed by the voters on March 15, 1994, places additional and profound limits on values used to compute property taxes. Prior to Proposal A, taxes were calculated using “State Equalized Value” (S.E.V.) which keeps pace with market value regardless of ownership change. Starting in 1995, property taxes are calculated annually using “taxable” value, capped by the consumer price index or 5% whichever is less, until a property transfers ownership. The year following that transfer of ownership, the taxable value is then uncapped at whatever the assessed value is at that time and then recaps to meet the guidelines of Proposal A.
The Assessing Department serves as a source of information to the various township departments, property owners, realtors, and private appraisers. The Assessing Department is committed to maintaining accurate property information on each parcel within the township by:
As of March 1, 2023 there are 3614 parcels of which 3217 are Real, 244 are Personal and 153 are Exempt.
The Assessing Department does NOT issue tax bills or receive tax payments; these functions are performed by the Treasurer’s Office.
Anyone with any questions or concerns in regards to a parcel within the township is encouraged to contact the Assessing Department Monday thru Thursday 8:00 am – 4:30 pm. Free on-line information through can also be found on the Township’s website. To access this information, go under Online Tax & Assessment and then choose between the various options.
Agricultural-Exemption Application
Agriculture – PA 260
Agricultural – PA 260 Guidelines
Agricultural – Request to Rescind
Board of Review FAQ Sheet
Board of Review – Petition-1
Combine Parcels
Land Division/Boundary Adjustment Request
Non-Consideration Form
Non-Profit Exemption Affidavit
Personal Property Forms
Poverty Exemption Affidavit
Poverty Exemption Application
Poverty Exemption Guidelines 2023
Principle Residence Exemption (PRE) – Affidavit
Principle Residence Exemption (PRE) – Conditional Rescission
Principle Residence Exemption (PRE) – Conditional Recission FAQ
Principle Residence Exemption (PRE) – Request to Rescind
Principle Residence Exemption (PRE) – Similar Exemptions in Other States
Property Transfer Affidavit (PTA)-1
Real Property Statement
VA Exemption FAQ Sheet
VA Exemption – PA 161 Requirements-1
VA Exemption Affidavit – New-1
Inflation Rate Multiplier 2023 Bulletin
Guide to Basic Assessing |
Principle Residence Exemption Guidelines |
Property Classifications |
The following are links to the websites that may be of interest to property owners. If there are any other sites you would like to know the address of, please let the Assessing Department know, and we will be glad to include them here.
Department of Treasury:,1607,7-121-1751—,00.html
State Tax Commission:,4679,7-121-1751_2228—,00.html
Michigan Property Tax Exemptions:,4676,7-238-43535_53197—,00.html
Michigan Property Tax Estimator and Millage Rates:,1607,7-238-43535_43540—,00.html
Michigan Tax Tribunal:
Michigan Legislature:
Statewide Search for Subdivision Plats:
Jackson County Register of Deeds:
Michigan Public Land Auction: