The Township has several departments to service it’s community. To view the organizational structure and staff for all departments, click on this link: Organizational Chart In order to provide information necessary to determine which department to contact for specific business needs, the following department descriptions are provided.
Gail Harris 517-522-8464 Ext. 123
Voter Registration – Maintain the state provided Qualified Voter Registration file for township residents; Assist elections office; Print Master ID and Voter Registration cards.
Elections – Voting machine setup and ballot testing; Generate precincts lists.
Accounting – Responsible for Payroll, General Ledger, Accounts Payable (invoices) and Purchase order processing.
Cemetery – There are two cemeteries maintained by the township; Oakwood cemetery located on E. Michigan Ave. and Maple Grove cemetery located on Wolf Lake road. The clerk’s office manages all plots, schedules burials (inground and cremations) and ordering foundations or monuments. All summer decorations shall be removed by December 1st and all winter decorations shall be removed by April 1st, or they may be removed by the Sexton.
Record Keeping – This office maintains township meeting minute records for the township Board, Planning commission and Zoning Board of Appeals.
Tom Loveland 517-522-8464 Ext. 134
Tammy Claussen 517-522-8464 Ext. 129
Taxes – This office maintains all township tax systems and records. Tax billing and collection is conducted twice per year; summer and winter. Contact the treasurer for any individual tax information, copies of tax bills, etc.
2022 Property Tax last day to be paid at the Township is February 28, 2023. Postmark dates not accepted. As of March 1, 2023 all 2022 property taxes (except for parcels starting with 804 & 900) will be sent to the Jackson County Treasurer’s Office at 120 W. Michigan Ave. Jackson, MI (517-788-4418).
Receivables– The Treasury staff collect all payments brought to the office.
Dog Licenses – Dog licenses will only be sold at the Jackson County Treasurers office or online through their website beginning November 1, 2016. Grass Lake Charter Township will no longer be selling dog licenses due to a change in the County’s sales format. Contact the Jackson County Treasurers office at 517-788-4418 if you have any questions or need additional information.
Sewers & Water – Applications for sewer and water hookups are handled by this office. Usage billings and payments collection are also the treasurer’s responsibilities.
Postmark dates not accepted for Sewer Payments.
General Fiscal Management – Township budgets are maintained and all cash receipting accepted. is managed by this office
Transfer Station Tickets – Tickets for waste disposal are provided to township property owners. Four tickets per year are free of charge to owners. No additional tickets will be available to purchase. Modern Waste New Hours Effective March 1st: Mon-Fri 8:00-3:45. For list of Acceptable/Unacceptable Items click the attached link. LRS Transfer Station List
Gail Harris 517-522-8464 Ext. 123
Shirley Sherwood 517-522-8464 Ext. 122
Building Permits – administration for all Building, Electrical, Mechanical and Plumbing permits. All permits issued and managed by this department through inspections and certificates of occupancy.
New Property Address generation – A location map for the new building site is required for new address assignment
Building/Mechanical Inspector: Joe Smith 517-812-6694
Electrical Inspector: Mike Cox 517-262-3272
Plumbing Inspector: Tom Trudeau 517-206-9005
Dan Campbell
Phone: 517-522-8464 Ext 130
Inspections – Various building, site plans and signs inspection duties.
Ordinance compliance and enforcement
Site Plan Administration
Sunrise Assessing Services
In Case of Emergency please dial 911
To leave a message for Officer Justin Boatman 517-768-7958
Wayne Bisard Investigations